
Recipe: Salted Tahini Swirl Brownies

Recipe: Salted Tahini Swirl Brownies

We are never here to judge if boxed brownie mix is a faithful standby. Big fans here too. That said, we think you can make it a little more exciting with just a few easy ingredients.


Boxed brownie mix of choice

Oil according to boxed brownie mix instructions

Eggs according to boxed brownie mix instructions

Water according to boxed brownie mix instructions

Soom Tahini (or this epic pistachio spread if there’s a sesame allergy)

Josu Aged Salt (or Josu Just Salt)

1 tbsp ice water



Pan for baking brownies

Parchment paper


Preheat oven according to package instructions and line your pan of choice with parchment paper.

Prepare brownie mix according to package instructions.

In a small bowl, measure out your tahini or pistachio spread and mix until product is uniform. If it’s very stiff / not spreadable, add up to 1 tbsp ice water.

Transfer brownie mix to baking pan, then drizzle tahini or pistachio spread on top. Give it a swirl with your spatula or a toothpick making sure not to disturb the bottom of the brownie mix.

Sprinkle a big pinch of Josu Aged Salt on top and bake according to package instructions.

You’re welcome.

Out-of-focus close up of two Salted Tahini Swirl Brownies on a plate with in-focus jar of Josu Aged Salt in background.