Congratulations, Gold House A100! (and have a great Gala)

Gold House Gala Attendees – Please enjoy our salt!  We included Just Salt and our collaboration with @Kimchimari, Korean Chili Salt. 

Asian people represent almost 60% of the world’s population, and yet since immigrating to this country 50 years ago, I have never felt the benefit of being part of a majority.  After being “othered” and stereotyped my entire childhood, I moved to California as an adult to experience a true Asian community.  I quickly learned that while California was better, we were still a fragmented and “invisible” minority group that is often resented, and more recently, physically attacked.   While some view us as the “model minority”, I’ve found being an Asian CEO just to be lonely and hard. Even in the nonprofit social impact sector, I was often the sole Asian woman CEO in the room.   

So I am thrilled to be part of and to support the Gold House Network.  For me, it’s an opportunity to be part of an Asian community of ambitious and successful entrepreneurs who have faced similar challenges, mentors from whom I can learn and entrepreneurs I can follow.  

Have a great Gala.


PS - we are looking for advisors and investors to help our retail expansion.  If you'd like to help, please reach out to